Increasing Quality Enquiries for your Franchise – Midlands
With the franchise industry changing fast, it’s vital to keep up with the latest thinking for franchise recruitment. This is a unique opportunity to gain up to date insight on the latest marketing techniques that can help boost your franchise recruitment.
Topic: Increasing Quality Enquiries for your Franchise
Date & Location: 17th September 2013 – Midlands
Places available: 10
View our 3 minute workshop video
Coconut Creatives is the ONLY franchise marketing specialist offering workshops that bring together independent experts in the key fields of marketing, PR, copywriting, branding, social media and events to show you how they all effectively combine to produce excellent results.
You’ll take away some really valuable pointers to utilise within your own business, including:
- Your perfect business ‘elevator pitch’ for use on flyers, prospectus & at exhibitions
- Top copy tips for franchise advertising and PR
- Franchise branding ideas to help you stand out from the rest
- Video concepts that get prospects listening to you
- An applied budget matrix to manage your recruitment
- A professional structure for your marketing
- Benchmarking your current performance against other Franchisors
– see how you currently perform! - Plus, personal feedback on our 1 to 1 afternoon sessions, worth £450!
“Warm, engaging and creative workshop. We found the day extremely motivating covering so many relevant topics inspiring us to move forward with many of the ideas given.”
Janet Walmsley, OSCAR.
Current Promotion
Places booked 6 weeks in advance will be entitle to our early bird offer – 2 places for the price of 1.
Email Lucy or call 01725 511673 to check availability, for more information, an agenda or a booking form.