Whiteboard Weekly #32 – Native Communications

Communication has changed immensely, and continues to do so all the time. But how often do you adapt how you communicate with your prospects?

Most businesses still rely heavily on phone calls and email, and I’m guessing you do too. Whilst these are still valid methods, most people today use text-based communications, like WhatsApp and Messenger. These are where people feel most comfortable, or you could say, more ‘native’. Are you able to reach your audience through these means? Developing how your business uses new technology to communicate is the best way to optimise all opportunities for reaching your prospects.

Whiteboard Weekly #31 – It’s all about Attention!

The pace of change in technology, the way we communicate and how we consume content has never been faster! This change is leading to an almighty battle for the ‘Attention’ of our prospects and clients as their behaviors change and develop. It is essential in this modern marketing world that every business has a clear grasp on where the ‘Attention’ of their prospects and clients is, and how they can ensure they reach and communicate with them effectively through whatever mediums they may use.

Whiteboard Weekly #30 – What can your prospects find out about you online?

Let’s admit it, we all believe we can research our own purchasing decisions with the help of Google and rely less on companies to guide our decisions. But are we all crystal clear on what our prospects can find out about us online? Do we do enough to ensure we have lots of great content visible in key searches about our business? In the video, I talk about this in terms of someone looking to buy a franchise, but of course, this remains relevant for any product or service.

Inside Coconut: Episode 3

Welcome to Episode 3 of #InsideCoconut, the first episode of 2020!

This month we’re focussing on our event, held in November last year, Franchise Fest 2019. The event was a fabulous success, with some wonderful speakers and brilliant evening entertainment. We had an incredible time and are already getting excited for this year! 

Registration for Franchise Fest 2020 is now open! Click the link, fill in your details and we’ll be in touch soon with further info! 👉 https://www.franchisefest.co.uk 

Whiteboard Weekly #29 Your Prospect’s Journey

Welcome back to the first #WhiteboardWeekly episode of 2020!

This week Adam talks to us about understanding your prospect’s journey. Whatever products you’re selling, whether it’s B2B or B2C, you need to evaluate who they’re going to use, what your competitors are doing and understand how consumers make decisions.

If you have any questions please leave a comment below and we’ll answer it in a future video.

Whiteboard Weekly #28 Franchise Recruitment Update

As we say goodbye to 2019, Adam Lovelock gives us an update on how the landscape of Franchise Recruitment is looking. Adam covers issues of uncertainty, the political climate and what we can expect from 2020.

If you have any questions please leave a comment below and we’ll answer it in a future video.