The two boss Coconuts, Sarah and Chris Cook, recently returned from the Annual BFA (British Franchise Association) Conference feeling very happy with the time they’d spent there, and quite rightly too; not only had they met lots of great franchisors and other affiliates, they also ran a fantastically well received seminar on ‘Brand Power’.
The Coconut’s morning session focused on the importance of consistency, guarding your brand, passing your brand values through your franchise network and ways of affecting changing brand values.
The seminar audience was made up of some powerful brands including; Dominos Pizza, Shopper Anonymous, Burger King, Gas Elec, Laptop Learning, Select Appointments, Snack in the Box and Wiltshire Farm Foods amongst others.
The second half of the session was a lead debate between the franchisors and other seminar attendees. This gave everyone the opportunity to discuss what had worked for them and their franchise networks. A great morning and appropriate conclusion to the two day conference.
The Coconut’s ended with ideas on further books and articles to read. These included; Brand Sense by Martin Linstrom and Tribes by Seth Goodwin. Sarah also presented her own white paper.
If you missed the seminar and would like to request your free white paper titled ‘Love, War and the Future of UK Businesses’ please email
The Coconuts are experts in marketing franchises, and they are currently the only BFA Accredited Marketing Consultancy. Their long awaited book on Franchise Marketing titled ‘Dream, Plan, Reduce Risk & Take Action‘ is due to be published in July this year.